Getting Started


  • Mac OS X or Linux
  • Java 8 Update 161 or higher (8u161+), 64-bit. Both Oracle JDK and OpenJDK are supported.
  • AArch64 (Bisheng JDK 1.8.262 or higher)
  • Maven 3.3.9+ (for building)
  • Python 2.4+ (for running with the launcher script)

Building openLooKeng Core

openLooKeng Core is a standard Maven project. Simply run the following command from the project root directory:

./mvnw clean install

On the first build, Maven will download all the dependencies from the internet and cache them in the local repository (~/.m2/repository), which can take a considerable amount of time. Subsequent builds will be faster.

openLooKeng Core has a comprehensive set of unit tests that can take several minutes to run. You can disable the tests when building:

./mvnw clean install -DskipTests

Running openLooKeng Core in your IDE


After building openLooKeng Core for the first time, you can load the project into your IDE and run the server. We recommend using IntelliJ IDEA. Because openLooKeng is a standard Maven project, you can import it into your IDE using the root pom.xml file. In IntelliJ, choose Open Project from the Quick Start box or choose Open from the File menu and select the root pom.xml file.

After opening the project in IntelliJ, double check that the Java SDK is properly configured for the project:

  • Open the File menu and select Project Structure
  • In the SDKs section, ensure that a 1.8 JDK is selected (create one if none exist)
  • In the Project section, ensure the Project language level is set to 8.0 as openLooKeng Core makes use of several Java 8 language features

openLooKeng Core comes with sample configuration that should work out-of-the-box for development. Use the following options to create a run configuration:

  • Main Class: io.prestosql.server.PrestoServer
  • VM Options: -ea -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=32M -XX:+UseGCOverheadLimit -XX:+ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent -Xmx2G -Dconfig=etc/ -Dlog.levels-file=etc/
  • Working directory: $MODULE_DIR$
  • Use classpath of module: presto-main

The working directory should be the presto-main subdirectory. In IntelliJ, using $MODULE_DIR$ accomplishes this automatically.

In the file, replace plugin.bundles with plugin.dir pointing to your plugin folder


Additionally, the Hive plugin must be configured with location of your Hive metastore Thrift service. Add the following to the list of VM options, replacing localhost:9083 with the correct host and port (or use the below value if you do not have a Hive metastore):


Using SOCKS for Hive or HDFS

If your Hive metastore or HDFS cluster is not directly accessible to your local machine, you can use SSH port forwarding to access it. Setup a dynamic SOCKS proxy with SSH listening on local port 1080:

ssh -v -N -D 1080 server

Then add the following to the list of VM options:



Audit log functionality is disabled by default. To enable with default settings, modify configs in etc/ and ensure the process running the server has write permission to the audit log directory.

Running the CLI

Start the CLI to connect to the server and run SQL queries:


Run a query to see the nodes in the cluster:

SELECT * FROM system.runtime.nodes;

In the sample configuration, the Hive connector is mounted in the hive catalog, so you can run the following queries to show the tables in the Hive database default:

SHOW TABLES FROM hive.default;

Code Style

We recommend you use IntelliJ as your IDE. The code style template for the project can be found in the codestyle repository along with our general programming and Java guidelines. In addition to those you should also adhere to the following:

  • Alphabetize sections in the documentation source files (both in table of contents files and other regular documentation files). In general, alphabetize methods/variables/sections if such ordering already exists in the surrounding code.
  • When appropriate, use the Java 8 stream API. However, note that the stream implementation does not perform well so avoid using it in inner loops or otherwise performance sensitive sections.
  • Categorize errors when throwing exceptions. For example, PrestoException takes an error code as an argument, PrestoException(HIVE_TOO_MANY_OPEN_PARTITIONS). This categorization lets you generate reports so you can monitor the frequency of various failures.
  • Ensure that all files have the appropriate license header; you can generate the license by running mvn license:format.
  • Consider using String formatting (printf style formatting using the Java Formatter class): format("Session property %s is invalid: %s", name, value) (note that format() should always be statically imported). Sometimes, if you only need to append something, consider using the + operator.
  • Avoid using the ternary operator except for trivial expressions.
  • Use an assertion from Airlift’s Assertions class if there is one that covers your case rather than writing the assertion by hand. Over time we may move over to more fluent assertions like AssertJ.
  • When writing a Git commit message, follow these guidelines.

Building the Web UI

The openLooKeng Web UI is composed of several React components and is written in JSX and ES6. This source code is compiled and packaged into browser-compatible Javascript, which is then checked in to the openLooKeng Core source code (in the dist folder). You must have Node.js and Yarn installed to execute these commands. To update this folder after making changes, simply run:

yarn --cwd presto-main/src/main/resources/webapp/src install

If no Javascript dependencies have changed (i.e., no changes to package.json), it is faster to run:

yarn --cwd presto-main/src/main/resources/webapp/src run package

To simplify iteration, you can also run in watch mode, which automatically re-compiles when changes to source files are detected:

yarn --cwd presto-main/src/main/resources/webapp/src run watch

To iterate quickly, simply re-build the project in IntelliJ after packaging is complete. Project resources will be hot-reloaded and changes are reflected on browser refresh.