SingleData Connector

The singleData connector supplements the OLAP capability for the openGauss, enhances the capability of data analysis.

The singleData mode can be ShardingSphere or tidRange

ShardingSphere Mode


Apache ShardingSphere is a distributed database ecosystem. It can convert any database into a distributed database. SingleData Connector can use ShardingSphere to shard openGauss data to improve analysis efficiency.

For more information, please visit: ShardingSphere official website


To configure the singleData Connector for ShardingSphere mode, create a catalog properties file etc/catalog named, for example, Create the file with the following contents, replacing the connection properties as appropriate for your setup:

  • Basic Configuration
  • Configuration Properties
Property NameDescriptionrequired
shardingsphere.database-nameName of the connected shardingSphere databaseYes
shardingsphere.typePersistent repository type of the registration center.Zookeeper and etcd are supported. Zookeeper is recommendedYes
shardingsphere.namespaceNameSpace of the registry centerYes
shardingsphere.server-listsConnection address list of the registry centerYes
  • Optional configuration when the persistent repository type is zookeeper
Property NameDescriptionDefault
shardingsphere.zookeeper.retry-interval-millisecondsRetry interval after connection failure in milliseconds500
shardingsphere.zookeeper.max-retriesMaximum retry connections3
shardingsphere.zookeeper.time-to-live-secondsTemporary node lifetime seconds60
shardingsphere.zookeeper.operation-timeout-millisecondsOperation timeout milliseconds500
  • Optional configuration when the persistent repository type is etcd
Property NameDescriptionDefault
shardingsphere.etcd.time-to-live-secondsTemporary node lifetime seconds30
shardingsphere.etcd.connection-timeoutConnection timeout seconds3


  • SingleData connector only supports ShardingSphere 5.3.1 now

TidRange Mode


OpenGauss data is stored in HEAP PAGE by row. Each row of data has a corresponding ctid (line number). The tidrangescan plugin of openGauss can use the range of ctid for query. The tidRange mode uses this plugin to implement parrallel data analysis.

To obtain the tidrangescan plugin, please visit: Plugin

Connection Configuration

To configure the singleData Connector for tidRange mode, create a catalog properties file etc/catalog named, for example, Create the file with the following contents, replacing the connection properties as appropriate for your setup:
  • connection-url can be configured multiple JDBC connection addresses. The addresses are separated by ;.

Optional Configuration

Property NameDescriptionDefault
tidrange.max-connection-count-per-nodeMaximum number of connections on each openGauss node. The minimum value is 1. The sum of the values of all workers cannot be greater than the value of max_connections of openGauss.100
tidrange.max-table-split-count-per-nodeMaximum table split count of per openGauss node, The minimum value is 150
tidrange.connection-timeoutMaximum waiting time for open connection. The unit is ms. If the value is 0, the connection never times out. If the value is not 0, the minimum value is 250ms.0
tidrange.max-lifetimeMaximum connection lifetime, in milliseconds. The minimum value is 30000ms.The default value is 30 minutes1800000


  • SingleData Connector only support select statement now, statement such as INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE that modify data or data structures are not supported.
  • The maximum decimal precision of openLookeng is 38. If the precision of Decimal or Numeric is greater than 38 in openGauss, it will be not supported.
  • The openGauss version required 3.0.0 or later