JDBC Data Source Multi-Split Management


This function applies to JDBC data sources. Data tables to be read are divided into multiple splits, and multiple worker nodes in the cluster simultaneously read the splits to accelerate data reading.


Multi-split management is based on connectors. For a data table with this function enabled, add the following attributes to the configuration file of the connector to which the data table belong. For example, the configuration file corresponding to the mysql connector is etc/catalog/mysql.properties.

Property list:

Configure the properties as follows:

jdbc.table-split-fields=[{"catalogName":"test_catalog", "schemaName":null, "tableName":"test_table", "splitField":"id","dataReadOnly":"true", "calcStepEnable":"false", "splitCount":"5","fieldMinValue":"1","fieldMaxValue":"10000"},{"catalogName":"test_catalog1", "schemaName":"test_schema1", "tableName":"test_tabl1", "splitField":"id", "dataReadOnly":"false", "calcStepEnable":"true", "splitCount":"5", "fieldMinValue":"","fieldMaxValue":""}]

Descriptions of the properties:

  • jdbc.table-split-enabled: whether to enable the multi-split data read function. The default value is false.
  • jdbc.table-split-stepCalc-refresh-interval: interval for dynamically updating splits. The default value is 5 minutes.
  • jdbc.table-split-stepCalc-threads: number of threads for dynamically updating splits. The default value is 4.
  • jdbc.table-split-fields: split configuration of each data table. For details, see section “Split Configuration”.

Split Configuration

The configuration of each data table consists of multiple sub-properties, which are set in the JSON format. The description is as follows:

catalogNameName of the catalog to which the data table belongs in the data source, which corresponds to the value of the TABLE_CAT field returned by the standard JDBC API DatabaseMetaData.getTables.Set this sub-property to the actual value. If the value is empty, set it to null.
schemaNameName of the schema to which the data table belongs in the data source, which corresponds to the value of the TABLE_SCHEM field returned by the standard JDBC API DatabaseMetaData.getTables.Set this sub-property to the actual value. If the value is empty, set it to null.
tableNameName of the data table in the data source, which corresponds to the value of the TABLE_NAME field returned by the standard JDBC API DatabaseMetaData.getTables.Set this sub-property based on the actual value.
splitFieldColumn name of the splitSelect a column whose value is an integer. You are advised to select a column with fewer duplicate values to divide the column into even splits.
calcStepEnableWhether to dynamically adjust the split rangeSet this sub-property to true for data tables with data changes.
dataReadOnlyWhether the data table is read-onlySet this sub-property to true for read-only data tables.
splitCountNumber of concurrent reads of data splitsSet this sub-property based on the optimal value.
fieldMinValueMinimum value of the splitField fieldSet this sub-property for read-only data tables based on the query result. Otherwise, leave this sub-property empty or set it to null.
fieldMaxValueMaximum value of the splitField fieldSet this sub-property for read-only data tables based on the query result. Otherwise, leave this sub-property empty or set it to null.