Dynamic Catalog

This section introduces the dynamic catalog feature of openLooKeng. Normally openLooKeng admins add data source to the engine by putting a catalog profile (e.g. hive.properties) in the connector directory (etc/catalog). Whenever there is a requirement to add, update or delete a catalog, all the coordinators and workers need to be restarted.

In order to dynamically change the catalogs on-the-fly, openLooKeng introduced dynamic catalog feature.The principle of a dynamic catalog is to manage the catalog-related configuration files on a shared file system and then synchronize all coordinator and worker nodes from the shared file system to local and load them. To enable this feature.

  • First, configure it in the etc/config.properties:

  • Secondly, configure the filesystems used to store dynamic catalog information in hdfs-config-default.properties. You can change this name of file by catalog.share.filesystem.profile property in etc/node.properties, default value is hdfs-config-default. Check the filesystem doc for more information.

    Add a hdfs-config-default.properties file in the etc/filesystem/ directory, if this directory does not exist, please create it.

    hdfs.config.resources=/opt/openlookeng/config/core-site.xml, /opt/openlookeng/config/hdfs-site.xml

    If HDFS enable the Kerberos, then

    hdfs.config.resources=/opt/openlookeng/config/core-site.xml, /opt/openlookeng/config/hdfs-site.xml
    hdfs.krb5.principal=openlookeng@HADOOP.COM # replace openlookeng@HADOOP.COM to your principal 
  • Finally, configure the paths of filesystems in etc/node.properties. Used to specify the path of the configuration file associated with the local storage directory on the shared file system, and because the configuration file needs to be synchronized from the same path on the shared file system, the shared file system path of all coordinator nodes and worker nodes must be consistent, local storage path isn’t required.



The catalog operations are done through a RESTful API on the openLooKeng coordinator. A http request has the following shape (hive connector as an example), the form of POST/PUT body is multipart/form-data:

curl --location --request POST 'http://your_coordinator_ip:9101/v1/catalog' \
--header 'X-Presto-User: admin' \
--form 'catalogInformation="{
        \"catalogName\" : \"hive\",
        \"connectorName\" : \"hive-hadoop2\",
        \"properties\" : {
              \"hive.hdfs.impersonation.enabled\" : \"false\",
              \"hive.hdfs.authentication.type\" : \"KERBEROS\",
              \"hive.collect-column-statistics-on-write\" : \"true\",
              \"hive.metastore.service.principal\" : \"hive/hadoop.hadoop.com@HADOOP.COM\",
              \"hive.metastore.authentication.type\" : \"KERBEROS\",
              \"hive.metastore.uri\" : \"thrift://xx.xx.xx.xx:21088\",
              \"hive.allow-drop-table\" : \"true\",
              \"hive.config.resources\" : \"core-site.xml,hdfs-site.xml\",
              \"hive.hdfs.presto.keytab\" : \"user.keytab\",
              \"hive.metastore.krb5.conf.path\" : \"krb5.conf\",
              \"hive.metastore.client.keytab\" : \"user.keytab\",
              \"hive.metastore.client.principal\" : \"test@HADOOP.COM\",
              \"hive.hdfs.wire-encryption.enabled\" : \"true\",
              \"hive.hdfs.presto.principal\" : \"test@HADOOP.COM\"
"' \
--form 'catalogConfigurationFiles=@"/path/to/core-site.xml"' \
--form 'catalogConfigurationFiles=@"/path/to/hdfs-site.xml"' \
--form 'catalogConfigurationFiles=@"/path/to/user.keytab"', \
--form 'globalConfigurationFiles=@"/path/to/krb5.conf"'

catalogName catalog name specified for the user;

connectorName is a catalog type, please refer to connector section;

properties for parameters that specify the type of catalog, refer to the detailed configuration of each connector;

If you need to specify a file in the configuration, you only need to specify the file name in the properties, and the local path of the file is set as below::

  1. Put the file path in a globalConfigurationFiles parameter, such as krb5.conf, if the configuration file is shared by all catalogs;

  2. Put the file path in a catalogConfigurationFiles parameter if the configuration file is used only by the currently created catalog, for example hdfs-site.xml,core-site.xml,user.keytab,each catalog has a different configuration.

Add Catalog

When a new catalog is added, a POST request is sent to a coordinator. The coordinator first rewrite the file path properties, saving the files to local disk and verify the operation by loading the newly added catalog. If the catalog is successfully loaded, the coordinator saves the files to the shared file system (e.g. HDFS).

Other coordinators and workers periodically check the catalog properties file in the shared filesystem. When a new catalog is discovered, they pull the related config files to the local disk and then load the catalog into the memory.

Take Hive as an example, by curl you can create a catalog with the following command:

curl --location --request POST 'http://your_coordinator_ip:8090/v1/catalog' \
--header 'X-Presto-User: admin' \
--form 'catalogInformation="{
        \"catalogName\" : \"hive\",
        \"connectorName\" : \"hive-hadoop2\",
        \"properties\" : {
              \"hive.hdfs.impersonation.enabled\" : \"false\",
              \"hive.hdfs.authentication.type\" : \"KERBEROS\",
              \"hive.collect-column-statistics-on-write\" : \"true\",
              \"hive.metastore.service.principal\" : \"hive/hadoop.hadoop.com@HADOOP.COM\",
              \"hive.metastore.authentication.type\" : \"KERBEROS\",
              \"hive.metastore.uri\" : \"thrift://xx.xx.xx.xx:21088\",
              \"hive.allow-drop-table\" : \"true\",
              \"hive.config.resources\" : \"core-site.xml,hdfs-site.xml\",
              \"hive.hdfs.presto.keytab\" : \"user.keytab\",
              \"hive.metastore.krb5.conf.path\" : \"krb5.conf\",
              \"hive.metastore.client.keytab\" : \"user.keytab\",
              \"hive.metastore.client.principal\" : \"test@HADOOP.COM\",
              \"hive.hdfs.wire-encryption.enabled\" : \"true\",
              \"hive.hdfs.presto.principal\" : \"test@HADOOP.COM\"
"' \
--form 'catalogConfigurationFiles=@"/path/to/core-site.xml"' \
--form 'catalogConfigurationFiles=@"/path/to/hdfs-site.xml"' \
--form 'catalogConfigurationFiles=@"/path/to/user.keytab"', \
--form 'globalConfigurationFiles=@"/path/to/krb5.conf"'

Delete catalog

Similar to adding operation, when a catalog needs to be deleted, send a DELETE request to a coordinator. The coordinator that received the request deletes the related catalog profiles from the local disk, unloads the catalog from server and deletes it from the shared file system.

Other coordinators and workers periodically check the catalog properties file in the shared filesystem. When a catalog is deleted, they also delete the related config files from the local disk and then unload the catalog from the memory.

Take Hive as an example, by curl you can delete the catalog with the following command, after catalog specify the catalog name created earlier:

curl --location --request DELETE 'http://your_coordinator_ip:8090/v1/catalog/hive' \
--header 'X-Presto-User: admin'

Update catalog

An UPDATE operation is a combination of DELETE and ADD operations. First the admin sends a PUT request to a coordinator. On receipt the coordinator deletes and add the catalog locally to verify the change. If this operation is successful, this coordinator delete the catalog from the shared file system and WAIT UNTIL all other nodes to delete the catalog from their local filesystem. After it saves the new configuration files to the shared file system.

Other coordinators and workers periodically check the catalog properties file in the shared filesystem and perform changes accordingly on the local file system.

Catalog properties including properties can be modified. However, the catalog name CAN NOT be changed. Users are not advised to update connector-name using a PUT request, and you can first delete the catalog and then perform a POST request.

Take Hive as an example, by curl you can update the catalog with the following command, the following updated hive.allow-drop-table parameters:

curl --location --request PUT 'http://your_coordinator_ip:8090/v1/catalog' \
--header 'X-Presto-User: admin' \
--form 'catalogInformation="{
        \"catalogName\" : \"hive\",
        \"connectorName\" : \"hive-hadoop2\",
        \"properties\" : {
              \"hive.hdfs.impersonation.enabled\" : \"false\",
              \"hive.hdfs.authentication.type\" : \"KERBEROS\",
              \"hive.collect-column-statistics-on-write\" : \"true\",
              \"hive.metastore.service.principal\" : \"hive/hadoop.hadoop.com@HADOOP.COM\",
              \"hive.metastore.authentication.type\" : \"KERBEROS\",
              \"hive.metastore.uri\" : \"thrift://xx.xx.xx.xx:21088\",
              \"hive.allow-drop-table\" : \"false\",
              \"hive.config.resources\" : \"core-site.xml,hdfs-site.xml\",
              \"hive.hdfs.presto.keytab\" : \"user.keytab\",
              \"hive.metastore.krb5.conf.path\" : \"krb5.conf\",
              \"hive.metastore.client.keytab\" : \"user.keytab\",
              \"hive.metastore.client.principal\" : \"test@HADOOP.COM\",
              \"hive.hdfs.wire-encryption.enabled\" : \"true\",
              \"hive.hdfs.presto.principal\" : \"test@HADOOP.COM\"
"' \
--form 'catalogConfigurationFiles=@"/path/to/core-site.xml"' \
--form 'catalogConfigurationFiles=@"/path/to/hdfs-site.xml"' \
--form 'catalogConfigurationFiles=@"/path/to/user.keytab"', \
--form 'globalConfigurationFiles=@"/path/to/krb5.conf"'

API information

HTTP request

Add: POST host/v1/catalog

Update: PUT host/v1/catalog

Delete: DELETE host/v1/catalog/{catalogName}

HTTP Return code

401 UNAUTHORIZEDNo permission to add a catalogNo permission to change a catalogSame as PUT
302 FOUNDThe catalog already exists--
404 NOT_FOUNDDynamic catalog is disabledThe catalog does not exist or dynamic catalog is disabledSame as PUT
400 BAD_REQUESTThe request is not correctSame as POSTSame as PUT
409 CONFLICTAnother session is operating the catalogSame as POSTSame as POST
500 INTERNAL_SERVER_ERRORInternal error occurred in the coordinatorSame as POSTSame as POST

Configuration properties

In etc/config.properties:

Property NameMandatoryDescriptionDefault Value
catalog.dynamic-enabledNOWhether to enable dynamic catalog.false
catalog.scanner-intervalNOInterval for scanning catalogs in the shared file system.5s
catalog.max-file-sizeNOMaximum catalog file size, in order to avoid excessive file size being uploaded by client.128k
catalog.valid-file-suffixesNOThe valid suffixes for catalog configuration file, if there are several suffixes, separate them by commas.empty suffix means allow all files. This configuration is used to control the types of files being uploaded.

In etc/node.properties:

Path white list:["/tmp", “/opt/hetu”, “/opt/openlookeng”, “/etc/hetu”, “/etc/openlookeng”, current workspace]

Notice:avoid to choose root directory; ../ can’t include in path; if you config node.date_dir, then the current workspace is the parent of node.data_dir; otherwise, the current workspace is the openlookeng server’s directory.

Property NameMandatoryDescriptionDefault Value
catalog.config-dirYESRoot directory for storing configuration files in local disk.
catalog.share.config-dirYESRoot directory for storing configuration files in the shared file system.
catalog.share.filesystem.profileNOThe profile name of the shared file system.hdfs-config-default

Impact on queries

  • After a catalog is deleted, queries that are being executed may fail.
  • Queries in progress may fail when the catalog is being updated.